Cognism vs. DiscoverOrg

February 15, 2022

Cognism vs. DiscoverOrg: Which One is Better for Marketing Automation?

Marketing automation has become an essential part of modern marketing. With so many marketing automation software options available, it can be challenging to know which platform is the best for your business.

Two popular marketing automation software options are Cognism and DiscoverOrg. In this blog post, we will provide a factual and unbiased comparison between these two platforms to help you make an informed decision.


Cognism is a B2B lead generation platform that provides users with accurate and up-to-date contact information for prospects. Cognism’s platform offers a variety of features that enable businesses to connect with their target audience, including email campaign tools, data enrichment, and ABM (account-based marketing) capabilities.

Pros of Cognism

  • Cognism offers a vast database of over 400 million contact profiles.
  • The platform provides businesses with accurate and up-to-date contact information.
  • Cognism uses AI and data science to analyze data and provide users with targeted lead recommendations.
  • Cognism enables businesses to export leads to their CRM (customer relationship management) system, making it easy to manage and track leads.

Cons of Cognism

  • Cognism’s platform can be expensive.
  • Some users have reported that the platform can be challenging to navigate.


DiscoverOrg is a sales and marketing intelligence platform that provides users with accurate and detailed information on companies and their key decision-makers. The platform offers a variety of features, including contact data management, sales intelligence, and sales enablement tools.

Pros of DiscoverOrg

  • DiscoverOrg provides users with accurate and comprehensive contact data for decision-makers.
  • The platform offers detailed company and market information.
  • DiscoverOrg’s platform integrates with popular CRM systems, including Salesforce and Hubspot.
  • DiscoverOrg provides users with real-time alerts when contacts change jobs or companies.

Cons of DiscoverOrg

  • DiscoverOrg’s platform can be expensive.
  • Some users have reported that the platform can be overwhelming and difficult to navigate.

Cognism vs. DiscoverOrg: Which One is Better?

Both Cognism and DiscoverOrg offer excellent features for B2B lead generation and marketing automation. Ultimately, the decision on which platform is better will depend on your business’s specific needs.

If your business wants an affordable lead generation platform that provides accurate contact information and ABM capabilities, Cognism may be the better choice. However, if your business needs detailed company and market information and real-time alerts on contact changes, DiscoverOrg may be the better option.

Regardless of which platform you choose, it’s important to have a marketing automation strategy in place to maximize your ROI (return on investment).


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